Fashion and Lies
Адаптированна для: pre-intermediate
Язык: English / Английский
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Women considered Christian as a very attractive man. He had soft and shiny dark hair and bright blue eyes. He inherited his appearance from his mother. Also mother cultivated in him love of good clothes. Christian was tall, stylish and elegant. He always looked great. It was not strange that he decided to become a fashion designer when he was younger than seventeen years old. Today he is almost thirty, and he is very good at his profession. But the character of that man does not allow him to be just successful. He wants to be the best! At nine in the morning he enters the office. It is an old and successful fashion house. Christian's boss name is Norma. She is a little over fifty. She is not a very happy and kind person, but a real professional. At the sight of Christian she rises from the table.
(Fashion and Lies)

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